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Drill starts with X1 and X2 on blue line, X3 in front of the net.
X1 gives and receives D to D pass with X2 (X3 tracks the pass from net front). X1 takes a shot from above the circle, X3 screens/tips the shot. X3 then skates to corner, picks up a puck and stops hard at half wall. X3 then makes a bank pass off the boards to X1. X1 then makes a D to D pass to X2 who skates in with the puck. X3 releases off the half wall for a back door tip or rebound chance. X2 has the choice to shoot or pass.
X3 returns back to the line. X1 moves to X2 and X2 moves to X3.

Notes: Run simultaneously at both ends

Category: Shooting
Tags: Hard, tippable shots., Timing, Head fakes / jukes
Posted By: coachdave72 (Used in 16 Plans) Created: 2017-03-02, Last Modified 2020-10-08


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