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Wedge + 1 Penalty Kill



The basic idea of the wedge is to neutralize the most dangerous scoring area on the ice, the slot, while empowering one player to wreak havoc.

The players labeled D and F1 form the wedge to protect the slot and the net front area while the player labeled F2 is free to attack the puck carrier and cause havoc.

This formation requires the forwards to have great instincts on when to chase, the correct angle to chase at, and when it's time to switch positions.

As the puck moves from side to side, the previously attacking forward will join the wedge while the forward that was in the wedge will step out to attack.

Category: Systems
Tags: Communication, Active sticks, Head on a swivel,
Posted By: coachdave72 (Used in 6 Plans) Created: 2016-09-07, Last Modified 2022-09-26


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