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Puck Control Relay Race



Players line up in corners in two teams. On whistle one player from each line starts with a puck, skating through the three pylons, skate toward the fourth pylon and bounce the puck of the wall to receive it on the other side. Players then make a tight turn around the pylon outside blueline and take puck to the outside of the pylon at the top of the faceoff circle and shoot. Coach then feeds a puck up the middle which skaters race to. Players skate down the middle, shooting the puck at the net from beyond the far hash marks. The player chasing without the puck can try to steal it from the puck carrier. After shot hits the net, the next player in line goes. The team with the most goals in the net at the starting end wins.

Category: Puck Control
Posted By: coachdave72 (Used in 5 Plans) Created: 2016-03-08, Last Modified 2016-09-23


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