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Western Michigan



Lay second net in above crease. X1 starts facing the net. Coach banks a puck off the net. X1 has to receive the bank pass and shoot on goal. After each shot, X1 skates around the net back to starting position, alternating directions. 3 reps per shooter, rotate through.

Can make a game by timing how many times it takes to get three shots on goal. Fastest wins.
Miss the net once, player does 5 pushups.
Miss the net twice, player does 10 pushups.
Miss the net 3 times, everyone does 10 pushups.

Can also change up by eliminating the second net and replacing it with a triangular deke aid. Coach passes through deke aid, X1 picks up the puck, toe drags and quickly gets a shot off.

Category: Shooting
Posted By: coachdave72 (Used in 4 Plans) Created: 2016-02-17, Last Modified 2020-12-04


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