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Canada Cup (Kelly Reed Hockey)



X1 / O1 start with shot and peel off to corner to pick up a puck. X2 / O2 curl around bottom of circle to receive a pass from X1 / O1. X2 / O2 give quick pass to X3 / O3 who has come down from center, pivoted and opened up for a breakout pass (facing up ice). X3 / O3 drives the net for a shot and follows up for rebound.
Player 1 goes to position 2, Position 2 goes to position 3 and position 3 becomes player 1, repeating the drill.
Switch sides of ice after several reps.

Category: Passing
Tags: Timing, Tape to tape passes, Be alert
Posted By: coachdave72 (Used in 11 Plans) Created: 2015-11-16, Last Modified 2018-10-11


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