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Ricky Bobby



Players line up in two lines w/ pucks in middle.
X1 takes 2 quick strides and shoots the puck on goal, driving the net and stopping off the far post.
X2 passes to X1 and receives a pass back for a shot on goal, driving the net and stopping off the far post.
Once a player makes a pass off the goal line, they return to the line on the side they stopped on.

Progression: X1 drives towards far post and continues on around the back of the net, stopping on the side they started on.
X3 passes down to X1 who then goes back around the net to feed a pass to X2. (Timing and angle of attack are crucial).

Category: Shooting
Tags: One timers, Passes on tape, Angle of attack
Posted By: coachdave72 (Used in 6 Plans) Created: 2015-10-09, Last Modified 2020-12-16


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